Dread-Bearers Glossary



Ecliptic Earth- Name for Earth used throughout Panga Uno Animo, and the few Ephemerians scattered in other Regions

Ecliptic Earth Theory- A faulty theory used by the NQLC in 1750 SF to overthrow the Pangan Government and take control which roughly claims the Earth is in imminent danger of attack or explosion

Elevate- Teleportation elevator

Escalate- Teleportation escalator

Express Aero Unit (EAU)- Planes, jets, other aircrafts

Express Mobile Unit (EMU)- Passenger vehicle, car

Express Water Unit (EWU)- Boats, submarines, other water vehicles


Febru-Luna- February

Firstmeal- Breakfast

Freedom Dies- Forth of July, celebrated in Juli-Luna

Freya Dies- Friday


Glyph- Symbol used to identify an important object, person, place, tradition, or concept

Golden Letter- Official Letter used in Panga Uno Animo that issues government assignments based on the person’s strong points and the Region’s needs

Guandaland- Region consisting of lower South America , South and part of Central Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica

Guardroid- An android, manufactured for security duties


Hallow’s Eve- Halloween, celebrated in Octa-Luna

Holoboard- Holographic keyboard

Hololetter- Holographic stationery or letter

Holophoto, Holograph, or Holoshot- Holographic photographs

Holoreel- Holographic newspaper

Homo radians- New race of humans exposed to high levels of radiation, identified by their matching pastel-colored scleras, hair, nails, and teeth


Imagers- Cameras


Janu-Luna- January

Juli-Luna- July

Juno-Luna- June



Lapelophone- Tiny microphone worn on clothing

Lastmeal- Dinner

Lawmen (LM)- Police

Life Form Warfare (LF or LFW)- Evolution of war in which a science team engineers Beasts based on the strengths of certain animals for use in battle


Adjutor- The Emperor’s first assistant, and second in command

Android- A robotic humanoid, nearly undetectable except for the red flashing eyes and heavily metallic-flaked skin, designed with personalities based on their employers or duties

Ano Nova Eve- New Year’s Eve, celebrated in Deca-Luna

Ano Nova Dies- New Year’s Day, celebrated in Janu-Luna

Aphro-Luna- April

Aquametholene- Fuel for vehicles

Augu-Luna- August

Autumnequi- Holiday celebrating beginning of fall


Bashi Bazook- Four player chess game

Baker- Oven


Cana- Humanoid health category

Chronometer- Watch or clock

Cooker- Stove


Day of Family and Worship- Mixture of Christmas and other religious winter holidays, celebrated in Deca-Luna

Day of Father- Father’s Day, celebrated in Juno-Luna

Day of Green- St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated in Mars-Luna

Day of Leadership- President’s Day, celebrated in Febru-Luna

Day of Love- Valentine’s Day, celebrated in Febru-Luna

Day of Mother- Mother’s Day, celebrated in Maia-Luna

Day of Pranks- April Fool’s Day, celebrated in Aphro-Luna

Day of Rebirth- Easter, celebrated in Aphro-Luna

Day of Remembrance- Memorial Day, celebrated in Maia-Luna

Day of Thanks and Praise- Thanksgiving Day, celebrated in Nova-Luna

Day of Toil- Labor Day, celebrated in Septa-Luna

Deca-Luna- December

Dies- Day

Digio- Radio, stereo

Digiobox- Portable music player

Digioman- Personal music player

Droid- Generic surname given to all Androids that are not under private employment



Maia-Luna- May

Marijuarette- A legal, cannabis-laced cigarette

Mars-Luna- March

Maurasia- Region consisting of North America, the UK, China, and half of Russia

Merid House- Government sector founded by Ian Merid in 1098 SF that specifically handles Minaries, Law, Trade, Human Resources, and related disciplines

Midmeal- Lunch

Min- Coinage

Minara- Banker

Minary- Paper note of money

Minaries- Universal currency

Minarium- Bank

Moon Dies- Monday


Neo Quarters Life Cipher (NQLC)- Bastardization of the QLC government system in Panga Uno Animo, after being overthrown by Signor Vincesti in 1760 SF using the Ecliptic Earth Theory

Nova-Luna- November


Octa-Luna- October


Panga Uno Animo- Super Region consisting of half of Russia, Northern Africa, upper South America, part of northern Canada, and Mexico

Personal Computer Gear or Personal Computer Gloves/Goggles (PCG)- Holographic personal computer consisting of a pair of goggles as a monitor and gloves to type on the projected keyboard

Pilotdroid- An android, manufactured for all driving and navigation duties

Prophydome- Prophylactic, sexual protection


Quarters Life Cipher (QLC)- Original form of peaceful World Government founded by Omnia Vinciti-Amoria in 98 SF


Restore the Moon- Standard time, observed in fall

Rizon House- Government sector founded by Horus Rizon in 1098 SF that handles Cana, Education, Scientific Research, Energy, Robotics and related disciplines


Sanidroid- An android, manufactured for sewer management duties

Saturn-Dies- Saturday

Scidroid- An android, manufactured for scientific duties

Septa-Luna- September

Servadroid- An android, manufactured for servant duties

Servidroid- An android, manufactured for physical labor

Shopoplex- Mall or shopping center

Soligram- Solid hologram of a human with the ability to hear, touch, and see, but not feel, smell, or taste like a living human.

Springequi- Holiday celebrating beginning of spring

Summersoli- Holiday celebrating beginning of summer

Sun Dies- Sunday

Sun Salvage- Daylight savings time, observed in spring

Suppression- Birth control


Telecommunications Device (TCD)- Telephone, cellular phone

Televisual (Telev)- Holographic television

Televisual Playing Disc (TPD)- Movie or show discs

Televisual Recording Disc (TRD)- Recording disc

Thor’s Dies- Thursday

Thulangve or Thu Langve- The language of the Homo radians, spoken mostly in Guandaland

Tiu’s Dies- Tuesday


Universal Language (UVL)- Language spoken by entire world which combines common words and phrases from all the languages of the world



Warrior’s Dies- Veteran’s Day, celebrated in Nova-Luna

Wavepreparer- Range

Wintersoli- Holiday celebrating beginning of winter

Woden’s Dies- Wednesday