Learn Thulangve

Common Thulangve Phrases

In Augu-Luna, two things are high: the temperature and the aquametholene.

En Augu-Luna, tuu thaenc ap haeh: thu tenperegup, ant thu acvuanethauleen.

Hello and good morning.

Elau ant guet naupneng.

Good night.

Guet naet.

Be safe, my friend.

Pe cape, nae ppaeent.

He is the greatest king of all time.

Ee aec thu gpaatect caegn uv al taen.

I would like Maurasian quail eggs and habberberry jelly on toast.

Ae hvut laec Nahpachen cvaal egc ant happeppeppee gelee aun tauct.

Do you serve beer?

Tue eauu cepv peep?

Where did those men go?

Hvaaep tet thauc nen gau?

Come on now, damn!

Caun aun nauv, tann!

She is quite ravishing.

Chee aec cvaet pavaechen.

Ephemeris, help us!

Epenepaec, elp uc!

They are my brothers and sisters.

Thaa ap nae prauthepc ant caectepc

Sex may be plentiful, but not always good.

Cecc naa pe plentaepul, put naut alvaac guet.

Where will your love take you?

Hvaaep hvaell eaup luv taac eau?

There is nothing to fear but fear itself!

Thaaep aec nuthen tu peaep put peaep aetcelp!

Weed is a gift from God!

Hveet aec aa gaept ppun Gaut!

We were waiting for you, but you never came!

Hvee hvep hvaaten pauep eau, put eau nevep caan!

There were hundreds of them, but only one was the strongest.

Thaaep hvep hvuntretc uv then, put aunlee hvun vuc thu ctraungect.

Why does Panga Uno Animo hate Doctor Hermetic?

Hvae tuc Panga Unau Anaenau haat Tauctep Hepnetaec?