
In Maurasia, science and nature coexist. Wildlife roams freely, and natural greenery flourishes, yet the citizens have all the same technological perks as the PUA. Maurasia lost many government officials during the current Guandaland/Maurasia contest, and the cityscape is a little war-torn around the Guandaland borders.

The NQLC constantly releases Life Form Warfare to keep the people of Maurasia suppressed. Another of the many uses the force field around the Region serves is to shut out the LFs they unleash. The Region of Maurasia is the areas formally known as North America, the UK, China, and half of Russia.

Maurasian Influentials

If only they could remember where the entrance to their secret hideout is!

the Merry-Goers

*The Merry-Goers are a group of ragtag celebrities, military heroes, and wealthy businessmen who took it upon themselves to make a de facto government after abolishing the official Maurasian government during the war.

Salis Granom is an Austra Islands Outback conqueror with a pair of Robo-Arms. He was an honorable and well-respected General in the Maurasian Army for fifteen years before retiring at 45. In his early days, before he volunteered for military service with his friend Jacob Enami, he was an undefeated kickboxing champion. He met Will Bednict about eight years ago and became best friends. Currently, he is the unofficial leader of the Maurasian Merry-Goers, a group of ex-soldiers and businesspersons filling in during the Guandaland/Maurasia conflict for the missing or murdered Maurasian Government Officials.

Jacob Enami is a wealthy Engle-Irescofra native and a former boxer with a record of 100-10. After ending his boxing career at 30, he joined the Maurasian Armed Forces. He quickly bought his way through the ranks and made Major by age 40. At the beginning of the current Maurasia/Guandaland conflict, he was 47. He was caught in a near-fatal Life Form Warfare attack. Upon awakening from a four-month coma, he was rehabilitated as half-Android, much to his chagrin. He left the Armed Forces shortly after that and started a construction business with sports star Kerry Diriga, his former love interest. He is also a Maurasian Merry-Goer and spends most of his fortune rebuilding the war-torn Old New Engle cityscape.

William Bednict is a war hero from Navatah, the youngest in Maurasian history. He joined at the age of 9 with a fake ID. Since the Officials thought he was 15, he was assigned light foot soldier duties until he reached 18. He wowed his superiors with his grappling fighting style and quick strategizing. That was seventeen years ago. After an attack toward the freeze of the Maurasian/Guandaland war, he was caught in a sneak attack that took his legs. He replaced them with two Robo-Legs and returned to battle, defeating an entire Guandalandian platoon. After his age discrepancies were discovered, he was honorably discharged a year ago. Along with his best friend Sal Granom and old friend Jacob Enami, he formed the Maurasian Merry-Goers.

Kerry Diriga is a blue Homo radian sports superstar from Washigon. The only girl in a family of four boys and raised by her uncles, she went into wrestling early. After dominating that sport, she entered Half-Gravity-Extreme Women’s Golf and Half-Gravity-Full-Contact Base-ketball on the Unisex Teams for Maurasia. Her number was 929, but she was widely known as Bone Crusher from her wrestling days. She lost her eye in an Extreme Golfing accident and opted out of replacement surgery. She kept the injury in honor of her on/off lover Jacob Enami. After Jacob’s retirement, they pooled their resources and started a construction business. She is a Maurasian Merry-Goer, even though she lives in Guandaland.

Siggi Ecce is a shy, sweet, yellow Homo radian, an Isle of India native. She is the CEO and owner of the Seymour Ecce Special Adoptions Foundation, an organization started by her father. A Pangan lapdog, he illegally processed kidnapped children with special powers from Guandaland. After a major controversy, he committed suicide, and Siggi took over. She runs the organization spot-free and refuses to let the special children in her care even use their powers. She used to keep them in Quell Collars but thought it was inhumane for such young children. Even though she lives in and runs her business from Guandaland, she is a Maurasian Merry-Goer. 

Donovan Dylan is a friendly Tex Islands native. About ten years ago, he and his wife won a large sum of money gambling at a casino there. They decided to go on a long excursion around the world. After a month of touring Guandaland, they visited Panga Uno Animo. As Donny passed through customs, they checked his bags. He forgot about his box of Doctor Hermetic’s books and merchandise that he picked up in Guandaland. They executed him on sight. His wife got through undetected, but she witnessed the whole thing. After his Soligram was activated, he took the rest of the money and bought an old Android attended scrapyard on the Old New Engle coast. He started helping the locals by examining and bartering the questionable merchandise the international EAU trade barges left there. He also houses Pangan and Guandalandian refugees.