Connecting the present with the future!

Glyph 101: The Rest Is History....

Before 2098 SF, scientific meddling led to several natural disasters, and the Earth’s landmasses changed drastically. Some countries were partially lost underwater, forming new countries with new borders. How did that happen?

It all started in 2072 AD when a group of ambitious scientists began secret experiments around the frozen landmass known as Antarctica. There was very little public information about their work, except that it involved toxic and explosive materials and was possibly dangerous. Many conspiracy nuts firmly believed the experiments had something to do with warfare and a new energy source. The scientist’s strong justification for testing there was the lack of populace. Scientists of many nations released all sorts of toxins there, feeling they would not affect the rest of the world.

As if the ongoing pollution steadily drifting upwards from Antarctica was not enough, by the year 2102 AD, this same group of scientists accidentally released a massive radioactive bomb into the ice. The volatile explosion melted many of the glaciers on contact, pummeling the world with a horrible flood for which no one could have prepared. This event in history was The Big Melt.

The flooding caused a chain reaction of harsh weather conditions that plagued the planet for many years. Immeasurable amounts of human and animal lives were lost. The water devoured many great cities and countries, and immense quantities of ancient history vanished into the deep, raging waters. After the flooding settled years later, the planet was in chaos. The Earth was in grave jeopardy of destroying itself due to economic, social, racial, political, and environmental strife.

Four groups of observing aliens from a nearby Constellation made official contact for the first time in history. Initially, they wanted the excess water for their dying planet. However, after several communications, they expressed genuine concern for the primitive, young world and wanted to help in any way to restore order from the chaos. The few officials trying hard to govern during those tumultuous times accepted the offer—water for help. They dubbed the aliens Hospites Nostri or Our Visitors. This Restoration began a new era in time known as SF. Most people regarded SF to stand for since the flooding, but it actually stood for secundum frequento, loosely translated according to the visitors.

As their first order of business in the year 1 SF, the Hospites Nostri separated the Earth into four Regions, Panga, Maurasia, Guandaland, and Zilfrinia. They also unified the languages (Universal Languages, or UVL), currencies (Minaries), and cultures (Humanitas) of all the many different people forced together by flooding. At the same time, humanity created a Glyph System of icons and symbols, similar to the aliens’ native tongue, to help them understand the importance of the many foreign concepts of Earth.

After they received their water payment, the Hospites Nostri set their advanced sights on curing the rampant radiation poisoning in the lower half of the world; an event called the Quick Cleaning. It was already too late for those most severely hit, and a condition called Radianism quickly evolved. The people afflicted with Radianism, dubbed Homo radians, typically developed a pastel discoloration of the organs, hair, nails, and teeth. From the initial swelling of the tongue, a second language called Thu Langve evolved. In addition, the Homo radians and many of the remaining Homo sapiens discovered they developed some sort of supernatural abilities. Those growing pains included an outbreak of ridiculous supervillains and superhero wannabes and a new form of hatred amongst humanity against the Homo radians.

Health or Cana Boards were established worldwide, with the help of the Hospites Nostri, to assure the remaining people of Earth had quick access to quality healthcare. People set out to rebuild the lost cities and countries using a mixture of ancient, modern, and alien technology. Despite some of the silly outcomes, the world appreciated the alien intervention, and they acted as mediators for the four Regions for a long time. After close to a century of helping the indecisive human race, they began to see the whole ordeal as a big game. They started instigating conflict between the four Regions to settle the trivial disagreements amongst their own people. Maurasia and Guandaland eliminated Zilfrinia in a major war and divided that Region. Panga was next.

There was a massive Life Rights Movement under the slogan Aide-toi, Le Ciel T’aidera (Help yourselves, heaven will help you too), led by an intelligent Pangan woman named Omnia Vinciti-Amoria, using her extraordinarily rare superpowers. She grew tired of the rude alien intervention. She and her cohorts formed a political organization called the Quarters Life Cipher in her home Region of Panga in 98 SF. The aliens kowtowed to her powerful influence for a while. The original QLC consisted of individuals who went underground from the widespread violence to make positive changes.

The QLC broke their Regional political structure down into a President, Vice President, and two sets of Judges, along with eight sectors that addressed the needs of the citizens Cana (Humanoid Health), Labor and Energy, Education and Culture, Science and Psychology, Defense and Standards, Investigations and Justice, All Minaries (Treasury and Statistics), and Commerce and Transport. The other Regions followed suit and temporarily stopped their unfounded fighting.

After a millennium of productive reign, the QLC divided into Houses around 1098 SF to focus the energies of groups of Leaders on specific areas and to give the public an even further structured government. Merid and Rizon Houses were the two subdivisions of the Quarters Life Cipher, founded by Horus Rizon and Ian Merid. Each House had two Quarters: Merid House consisted of Quarters Two and Four, which usually handled All Minaries, Labor and Energy, Commerce and Transport, and Investigations and Justice. Rizon House consisted of Quarters One and Three, managing Cana, Education and Culture, Science and Psychology, and Defense and Standards.

There was harmony across the planet for centuries as the subsequent QLC Leaders used their newfound energies to heal the land and its populace. That was until the thirst for supremacy reared its horrible head again.

The Hospites Nostri grew more disenchanted with Earth after the Meteor Incident of 1730 SF. Over five years, a giant Meteor threatened to collide with and destroy the Earth. Panga and Maurasia combined their efforts to save the planet without the aliens’ help for once. That insult incensed them. Afterward, Panga took the credit for devising the world-saving plan and thumbed their noses at Maurasia.

A small faction of immoral insurgents, led by a legendary scientist named Doctor Signor Vincesti, was gluttonous and saw the Earth’s vulnerability. They developed an Ecliptic Earth Theory in 1750 SF in which the Pangan Leaders claimed the Earth was in critical danger of natural destruction. They overthrew the Quarters Life Cipher with the Ecliptic Earth Theory and their campaign Abusus Non-Tollit Usum (Abuse Doesn’t Take Away Use). Abusus Non-Tollit Usum secretly consisted of people using their superpowers for selfish advancement and even finding ways to strengthen and increase their superpowers. They ruled with a crooked hand and did anything to satisfy their rabid lust for world domination, assassinating anyone who sided against them.

The new group named themselves the Neo Quarters Life Cipher. They wanted to take the alien’s attempts at global unification even further and changed the name of the Region to Panga Uno Animo (One Mind Unanimously). Amongst the other new religions, they formed a Regionally-required scientific faith called Ephemeredes, based on a holy book of fables released every hundred years called The Chronicles of Ephemeris, Ephemeredes’ prophet. Vincesti supposedly penned the first book, loosely based on geometrical calculations and theoretical prophecies. According to the stars, Ephemeris gave Vincesti the divine right to be the first Emperor of Panga Uno Animo.

The aliens saw the conflict as another opening for meddling and wasted no time. They welcomed the coming of the Neo Quarters Life Cipher as liked-minded allies in a rich Region. With the aid of the Hospites Nostri, Vincesti threw up an invisible force field and massive Gate around Panga Uno Animo and started research on how to eliminate the need for nature. In his eyes and those who followed him, it was nature, not man, who failed the Earth many centuries ago. It was nature’s fault that the Antarctic ice melted, flooding the Earth and wiping out ancient history. Nature was evil and obliterated the lives of so many. To him, nature was the cause of all the world’s problems, and nothing should be trusted but science. With the pending doom of Earth, according to the Ecliptic Earth Theory, Panga Uno Animo would be safe if they turned their backs on nature and found a way to become self-sufficient from the planet. The aliens helped Panga Uno Animo eliminate nature from their entire Region, creating the perfect scientific society.

The planet was in a severe state of peril once again. All the peaceful progress made in the past came plummeting as the Neo Quarters Life Cipher imposed its will on a blinded public. They used promises of luxurious life and vast riches to get their way. They even restarted the dreadful research of Life Form Warfare, manufacturing their vile beasts and rampantly releasing them in the outskirts of Panga Uno Animo.

Not all was lost, however. In 1772 SF, a brilliant young scientist named Doctor Theo Hermetic, a hidden enemy of the NQLC, had been working under their noses for years. He gained insider information and formed a band of his rebels to take the planet back. He posed as an ally of the aging Vincesti and was one of his most trusted cohorts.

After Hermetic’s treachery was discovered in 1780 SF, the saddened Vincesti, on his deathbed, decided he could not kill Hermetic because he loved him as a son. Vincesti banished Hermetic to Guandaland and demolished his writings, laboratory, research, and life. That kind act enraged Vincesti’s daughter, Francesca Vincesti, who was next in line to take over the NQLC and be Empress after her father’s death.

When her father died in 1782 SF, Francesca Vincesti stalked Hermetic for nearly twenty years, eager to destroy him herself. Whenever she thought Hermetic was in her grasp, he would escape and continue his anti-NQLC work in Guandaland and Maurasia. By 1799 SF, Francesca finally got her wish. Her soldiers caught Hermetic at a Peace Conference in Maurasia and savagely assassinated him.

Meanwhile, by 1802 SF, a bout with a highly evolved influenza virus knocked out two races of the Hospites Nostri. They were extinct and eventually displaced from history. Fearful of a terrible biothreat to the planet, all Regions banned the aliens from Earth in 1802. The two remaining races of Hospites Nostri secretly resigned to two Artificial Planetoids in nearby outer space. Shortly after, a ban on space travel and trade in 1875 SF faded the Hospites Nostri to just a memory.

For nearly three hundred years, the NQLC reigned over Ecliptic Earth, favoring Panga Uno Animo’s obedient people and torturing those of Maurasia and Guandaland. However, in 2098 SF, a new group of unlikely heroes emerged from the very loins of the NQLC.

After years of suppressed knowledge and beautiful oppression, plus the PUA-instigated war between Maurasia and Guandaland, it was apparent that a time for change drew near. Who, why, and how is where Glyph One: A Great Escape starts.